Disney's Beauty and the Beast
"...keeping the audience in stitches was unexpected comic highlight Regan McLellan... McLellan's Gaston feels highly reminiscent of musical-comedy superstar Neil Patrick Harris... McLellan nails the character's self-important buffoonery and obsession with masculinity."
-Greg Kerestan, BroadwayWorld.com
Hello, Dolly!
“Regan McLellan’s terrific voice [is stellar] as chief store clerk Cornelius Hackl.”
-Barbara L. Fredricksen, Tampa Bay Times
Next to Normal
“Directed by Matthew Rumsey with a sterling cast...Regan McLellan plays Natalie’s easy-going boyfriend, Henry. McLellan has a goofy likability”
-Bob Curtwright, The Wichita Eagle
Wizard of Oz
“Regan McLellan as Scarecrow pay[s] homage [to Ray Bolger] through occasional voice inflections and gestures. [He doesn’t] copy [him] but gives just enough to make the show comfortably familiar while putting his own spin on the character...McLellan has mastered the loosey goosey body language of Scarecrow and has a pleasant singing voice for ‘If I Only Had a Brain’”
-Bob Curtwright, The Wichita Eagle